Based in Liverpool, STL heating offers plumbing and heating services to the residents of Warrington, St. Helens, Widnes, Runcorn and the North West
We also provide LPG services. Whatever your plumbing and heating requirements, from boiler installations to boiler repairs, we will provide the most efficient and reliable service in the areas of Liverpool, Warrington, St. helens, Widnes & Runcorn.
Central heating
ALL aspects of gas work
Boiler installation
Safety inspections
Landlord Certificates
Repair and maintenance
EVERYTHING to do with heating
Bathroom installation
Central Heating Maintenence: Power Flushing
Gas-fired boilers installed after 1 April 2005 and oil-fired boilers installed after 1 April 2007 must be High Efficiency (condensing) (SEDBUK Band A or B) boilers, whether they are replacements or new installations.
From 1 October 2010, Band B boilers will be banned under a change to Part L of the Building Regulations in England & Wales (similar provisions are being made in Scotland & Northern Ireland).
This means that all boilers will:
Convert at least 90% of fuel into heat
Save up to 40% a year by replacing your old boiler and controls
Reduced emissions
Play your part in protecting the environment
Choosing a heating system with a high efficiency boiler with the correct heating controls can make a huge difference to your heating bills over time.
So How does your boiler measure up?
So then, How much money could I save?
According to figures from SEDBUK, assuming a 90% efficient boiler your could save as follows: